Sunday, February 12, 2012

Tights and Vibram FiveFingers

I love wearing my VFFs, and I love wearing skirts.  Problem: in the winter it's too darn cold to wear skirts without tights.  This leads to the following problem:

Feet in tights just don't work with VFFs... it's the whole issue of not having toes thing.  So I decided to grab some scissors and see what I could do.

I put my scissors into that hole and then cut it open just enough for my big toe to pop through.  I then repeated with a small hole by my baby toe and repeated the process for my littler toes.  I cut a large hole so that all four of my toes could get through, and the tights were held on by a swatch of fabric hitting me right where a flip-flop would.

And voila!  I now have toes to put in my VFFs !

All problems with skirts, VFFs and winters are now solved.  This solution was significantly warmer than going without tights, and looked just fine once my feet were in the shoes.